Some common approaches:
-Add the data in the page layout.
-Use developer console query.
-Create list view.
I think the first method is the most common. If the admin uses the same page layouts as regular users then this might expose to users data that they should see, if they have different page layouts then there is no issue for adding the data only this require maintain more page layouts.
The latest 2 approaches- writing a query in console or creating the list view- also can be used, but are more time consuming.
At last, I decided to use different simple and generic solution. It does require me to write code, but it is done once and then I can reused it.
The functionality is quite simple - user will select the object type, will search single record either by Id or by Name, and will be able to view/update any field.
Of course, that the access for this page should be highly restricted as it provide access to all the data.
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1: <apex:page controller="ViewRecord">
2: <apex:form id="formId">
3: <apex:pageMessages />
4: <apex:pageblock id="blockId">
5: <apex:pageblockSection id="pbSection">
6: <apex:pageblockSectionItem id="pbsi">
7: <apex:outputLabel value="Select Object" for="objectTypeId" />
8: <apex:selectList multiselect="false" id="objectTypeId" value="{!objectType}" size="1">
9: <apex:selectoptions value="{!objectoptions}" />
10: <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="formId,blockId,pbSection,pbsi,fieldsId"/>
11: <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!fillOptions}"/>
12: </apex:selectList>
13: </apex:pageblockSectionItem>
14: <apex:pageblockSectionItem />
15: <apex:pageblockSectionItem >
16: <apex:outputLabel value="Search by Id" />
17: <apex:inputText value="{!recordId}"/>
18: </apex:pageblockSectionItem>
19: <apex:pageblockSectionItem />
20: <apex:pageblockSectionItem >
21: <apex:outputLabel value="Search by name" />
22: <apex:inputText value="{!recordName}"/>
23: </apex:pageblockSectionItem>
24: </apex:pageblockSection>
25: <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
26: <apex:commandButton value="Show Record" action="{!showRecord}"/>
27: </apex:pageBlockButtons>
28: </apex:pageblock>
29: <apex:pageBlock rendered="{!Not ISBlank(record)}">
30: <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
31: <apex:commandButton value="Update" action="{!updateRecord}" rendered="{!Not ISBlank(record)}"/>
32: </apex:pageBlockButtons>
33: <apex:pageblockSection >
34: <apex:repeat value="{!l_fields}" var="field">
35: <apex:pageblockSectionItem >
36: <apex:outputLabel value="{!field}" />
37: <apex:inputField value="{!record[field]}"/>
38: </apex:pageblockSectionItem>
39: <apex:pageblockSectionItem />
40: </apex:repeat>
41: </apex:pageblockSection>
42: </apex:pageBlock>
43: </apex:form>
44: </apex:page>