Packages Limits (Certified vs Uncertified)

This article mainly focuses on an important aspect of the certified managed package, the Limit property. What this property means and why it is important.

What are Packages?

Packages in Salesforce are tools for distributing components between environments. The package can contain a very wide variety of components, such as objects, fields, automation processes, code, and more. Packages do not contain data.

Packages can be divided into two types: Managed and Unmanaged. While Unmanaged is like open source, where the components can be modified after installation, Managed is the opposite, and most of the components are locked and managed by the package provider.

The Managed packages can also be divided into two subtypes: certified and uncertified. A certified package is a package that has passed the Salesforce security review process to verify that it meets specific standards and security levels, which allows the provider to publish it on the AppExchange.

There are a few differences between certified and uncertified, and a very important one is the Limit property. The property means that the package has its own limits. But, what does it really mean when it says "has its own limit"?

Unsupported Object Types for SOSL Query


Although SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language) is less commonly used than SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language), it does provide some powerful features.

Main SOSL advantages are the ability to search multiple objects in a single query and the ability to search for a keyword in all the text fields in the queried objects (this includes long text fields!).

You can read more about the basics and considerations for SOSL queries in Salesforce guide. In this article, I will focus on a specific consideration - supported and unsupported object types for SOSL.

Consider the following apex code that provides a function for searching any object type:

public with sharing class QueryServices{
    public static List<sObject> searchRecords(String objectType, List<String> fields, String searchKeyword){
        List<SObject> records = new List<SObject>();    
	searchKeyword += '*';
        String returningQuery = objectType + ' (' + String.join(fields,',') + ')';
        String query = 'FIND :searchKeyword IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING '+returningQuery+' LIMIT 20';
        records = Search.Query(Query)[0];
        return records;

The method searchRecords receive as parameters:

  • Object name to search
  • List of fields to query
  • Keyword
The method return a list of records that have at least one text field with the keyword. 
Therefore, with this statement:
List<sObject> result = 
        'Account', new List<String>{'Name'}, 'test');

We will receive a list of account records that have at least one text field that starts with the word 'test'.

The content of the class is generic, so theoretically we should be able to use it for any object type. 

However, running the following code:

List<sObject> result = QueryServices.searchRecords(
    'AccountHistory', new List<String>{'OldValue', 'NewValue'}, 'test');

Will result with an exception:

    System.QueryException: entity type AccountHistory does not            support search

The exception stated that the AccountHistory object doesn't support search, and hence it cannot be used for SOSL query.

In fact, there is a long list of standard object types that don't support search. 

First, let's reduce the concern level. All the common standard objects do support search, plus custom objects can be searched if we mark the property Allow Search in the object setup page.

In the list of unsupported we can find, for example: 

  • History objects
  • Share objects 
  • Some setup objects like: RecordType, ObjectPermission, SetupAuditTrail
  • Custom Metadata Types

In order to find which object types support search, we can use the object describe and the method isSearchable

for(Schema.SObjectType objectType : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().values()){
	Schema.DescribeSObjectResult dsr = objectType.getDescribe();
		System.debug('cannot search:: ' + dsr.getName());

After understanding this limitation, the main question is: what are the alternatives when we want to build a generic solution and support all the object types? 

We can convert the entire logic to SOQL, but it will cause some pain, as we will need an alternative for the advantages of SOSL (for example, searching in long text fields). 

public with sharing class QueryServices{
    public static List<sObject> searchRecords(String objectType, List<String> fields, String searchKeyword){
        List<sObject> records = new List<sObject>();
        Schema.SObjectType objType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectType);
        //Retrieve the fields on the object
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldsMap = objType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        List<String> textFields = new List<String>();
        //Find text fields on the object
        for (String fieldName : fieldsMap.keySet()) {
            Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = fieldsMap.get(fieldName).getDescribe();
            if (fieldResult.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.String && fieldResult.isFilterable()) {
        // Construct SOQL query dynamically
        String query = 'SELECT ';
        for (String field : fields) {
            query += field + ', ';
        query = query.removeEnd(', ') + ' FROM ' + objectType + ' WHERE ';
        for (String field : textFields) {
            query += field + ' LIKE \'' + searchKeyword + '%\' OR ';
        query = query.removeEnd(' OR ');
        System.debug('query::' + query);
        return Database.query(query);

The code dynamically constructs SOQL query and searches for keyword in each text field. If we would like to filter with long text fields, we will have to do it after the query.

Also note that some setup objects might have other special considerations. For example, there are setup object types that don't have a single field that can be used as a filter, or when querying Custom Metadata Types you might get an Disjunctions not supported error. For that reason, I would suggest to dividing the search engine into three areas:

  1. Special object types
  2. Support for search
  3. Unsupported for search

Therefore, the final method can look like the one below, with the consideration that if we find other special cases, we might need to add an additional if statement at the start.

public with sharing class QueryServices{
    public static List<sObject> searchRecords(String objectType, List<String> fields, String searchKeyword){
        List<SObject> records = new List<SObject>();    
        //Is it metadata types - special query
            records = Database.query('SELECT ' + String.join(fields,',') + ' FROM ' + objectType + ' WHERE DeveloperName LIKE \'' + searchKeyword + '%\'');
        //Support search? Run SOSL
        else if(Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectType).getDescribe().isSearchable()){
            records = searchWithSOSL(objectType, fields, searchKeyword);
        //Else - run SOQL
        else {
            records = searchWithSOQL(objectType, fields, searchKeyword);
        return records;
    private static List<sObject> searchWithSOSL(String objectType, List<String> fields, String searchKeyword){
        List<SObject> records = new List<SObject>();    
        searchKeyword += '*';
        String returningQuery = objectType + ' (' + String.join(fields,',') + ')';
        String query = 'FIND :searchKeyword IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING '+returningQuery+' LIMIT 20';
        records = Search.Query(Query)[0];
        return records;
    private static List<sObject> searchWithSOQL(String objectType, List<String> fields, String searchKeyword){
        List<sObject> records = new List<sObject>();
        Schema.SObjectType objType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectType);
        //Retrieve the fields on the object
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldsMap = objType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        List<String> textFields = new List<String>();
        //Find text fields on the object
        for (String fieldName : fieldsMap.keySet()) {
            Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = fieldsMap.get(fieldName).getDescribe();
            if (fieldResult.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.String && fieldResult.isFilterable()) {
        // Construct SOQL query dynamically
        String query = 'SELECT ';
        for (String field : fields) {
            query += field + ', ';
        query = query.removeEnd(', ') + ' FROM ' + objectType + ' WHERE ';
        for (String field : textFields) {
            query += field + ' LIKE \'' + searchKeyword + '%\' OR ';
        query = query.removeEnd(' OR ');
        System.debug('query::' + query);
        return Database.query(query);

Create Icon for Web Component in the Lightning Builder

  If you create a lightning web component for Lightning Pages, you can quite easily designate a distinctive icon for it so that it can be identified in the Lightning Builder.

Actually, all that is necessary is to add a new file with the extension "svg" to the component's folder. The svg file must have the same name as the component.

The svg file content should contain commands to draw the icon.

Do not understand the topic? There is no cause for concern. You will be able to create simple icons on your own after a very little learning.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and it's an image format that defines shapes using XML. The scalable means that you can increase its size without losing quality. This is because unlike images (like png/jpf) that use pixels, the svg only contains instructions on how to draw.

You can open a javascript online tool (like jsfiddle) and paste the following code:

<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="64" height="64" style="stroke: black;">
  <line x1="3" y1="3" x2="21" y2="21"/>
  <line x1="3" y1="21" x2="21" y2="3"/>

The output will be

In the <svg> tag you can define the dimension, and inside there is a set of tags that can be used to draw shapes.

In the above example, I simply draw 2 lines each from one corner to the other.

There is much further to explore regarding svg, which is beyond this article. Common tags inside the svg are:

line, polyline (=set of lines), circle and rect (=rectangle). This article provides great explanations of the topic using easy to slightly more complicated examples.

Note that the knowledge for creating svg icons is not limited to the web component icon in the Lighting Builder, but it can also be used for icons within the component html.

If you do not feel like learning, there are many online sites where you can find ready-made svg (check for the license!) or use sites that allow you to get the svg code from an icon (for example

In any event, the invested time is negligible and enables you to obtain a distinctive icon for the component or series of components that you expose.  In addition, creating icons in itself is the work of experts and it's a huge content world in itself, it's always good to be exposed and get to know other content beyond the Salesforce scope.

Does Query for Custom Metadata Types Count Under SOQL Limit?

 In a single transaction we can run a maximum 100 SOQL queries, therefore it is important to understand if a query for custom metadata is included in this limit.

A common answer: No. You can run unlimited queries for custom metadata types.

The right answer: it depends.

First, the "unlimited" is relevant only for apex code. Querying custom metadata types in a flow does count as query.

But also when using inside apex there is one exception: Does your query contain long text area field?

We can access custom metadata types in two methods:

    1.Custom metadata methods (getAll/getInstance)

    2.SOQL query

If you are using the first approach it will never be counted as a SOQL query but for long text area fields you will get only the first 255 characters.

Using the second approach, will always return full content of the long text area fields, but will count as SOQL query.

The following examples can help to understand the differences

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