Find myself writing similar page in several requirements - page that display records from specific objects, support pagination, filtering, sorting.
Thought that it's about time to take 1 of the pages I had and make it generic. To be rendered based on configuration.
How to do it?
1.Create new custom metadata for the configuration.
2.Create apex class
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CANNOT be Transietnt (results in Error) public list<sObject> getl_records(){ return this.setCon.getRecords(); } public String sortDir { get; set; } public String sortField { get; set; } // toggles the sorting of query from asc<-->desc public void toggleSort() { // simply toggle the direction sortDir = sortDir.equals('asc NULLS FIRST ') ? 'desc NULLS LAST ' : 'asc NULLS FIRST '; runQuery(); } // init the controller and display some initial data when the page loads public SearchObjectController () { //String searchObjectPageId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pId'); String searchObjectName = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pn'); searchPageSetup = [ select DeveloperName,Page_Size__c,Page_Title__c,Fields_to_Display__c,Filters__c,Object_API_Name__c from Search_Object_Setup__mdt where DeveloperName = :searchObjectName]; pageSize = searchPageSetup.Page_Size__c != null ? Integer.valueOf(searchPageSetup.Page_Size__c) : 20; pageTitle = searchPageSetup.Page_Title__c; l_fields = new list<FieldToShow>(); l_filters = new list<FilterInPage>(); //Get object schema Schema.SObjectType objSchema = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(searchPageSetup.Object_API_Name__c); filterParamIds = ''; if(! String.isBlank(searchPageSetup.Filters__c)){ Integer filterIndex = 1; for(String fieldFilter : searchPageSetup.Filters__c.split(',')){ l_filters.add(new FilterInPage(fieldFilter, ('prmid_' + String.valueOf(filterIndex)), objSchema.getDescribe().fields.getMap().get(fieldFilter).getDescribe().getLabel())); filterParamIds += ('prmid_' + String.valueOf(filterIndex)) + ','; filterIndex++; } filterParamIds = filterParamIds.removeEnd(','); } soql = 'select '; for(String fieldAPI : searchPageSetup.Fields_to_Display__c.split(',')){ soql += fieldAPI + ','; l_fields.add(new FieldToShow(fieldAPI, objSchema.getDescribe().fields.getMap().get(fieldAPI).getDescribe().getLabel())); } soql = soql.removeEnd(','); soql += ' from ' + searchPageSetup.Object_API_Name__c; soqlCtr = 'SELECT Count() from ' + searchPageSetup.Object_API_Name__c; sortField = 'Name'; sortDir = 'desc NULLS LAST'; runQuery(); } //Runs the actual query, with parameters as set by the User public void runQuery() { try { System.debug(soql + ' order by ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(sortField) + ' ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(sortDir) + ' limit ' + totalRecords); l_records = Database.query(soql + ' order by ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(sortField) + ' ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(sortDir) + ' limit ' + totalRecords); this.setCon= new ApexPages.StandardSetController(l_records); this.setCon.setpageNumber(1); // First page to display this.setCon.setPageSize(pageSize); // First chuck of 20 records to display noOfRecords = this.setCon.getResultSize(); // # records in the resulst set,, driven by limit and ViewState size ctrRecords = Database.countQuery(soqlCtr ); // Total number of records for the Query (no Limit used) } catch (Exception ex) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Error during query: ' + ex.getMessage())); } } //Run the search with parameters passed via Javascript. //Invoked when user chnages seach criteria or page size on the page public PageReference runSearch() { System.debug('Run Search with params'); soql = 'select '; for(FieldToShow fieldPage : l_fields){ soql += fieldPage.field + ','; } soql = soql.removeEnd(','); soql += ' from ' + searchPageSetup.Object_API_Name__c; String whereClause = ' where'; String inputFilters = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('allInputParams'); System.debug('inputFilters : ' + inputFilters ); list<String> l_inputFilters = inputFilters.split(','); System.debug('l_inputFilters : ' + l_inputFilters ); Integer index = 0; for(index = 0; index < l_filters.size() ; index ++) { if(l_inputFilters.size() > index){ l_inputFilters.get(index); if(! String.isBlank(l_inputFilters.get(index))){ whereClause += (whereClause == ' where' ? ' ' : ' and') + ' ' + l_filters.get(index).field + ' LIKE \'%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(l_inputFilters.get(index)) + '%\''; } } } if(whereClause != ' where'){ soql += whereClause; } runQuery(); return null; } //Advance to next page public void doNext(){ if(this.setCon.getHasNext()); } //Advance to previous page public void doPrevious(){ if(this.setCon.getHasPrevious()) this.setCon.previous(); } //Get whether previous page exists public Boolean getHasPrevious(){ return this.setCon.getHasPrevious(); } //Get whether next page exists public Boolean getHasNext(){ return this.setCon.getHasNext(); } //Get page number public Integer getPageNumber(){ return this.setCon.getPageNumber(); } //Get total pages in the current Query Public Integer getTotalPages(){ Decimal totalSize = this.setCon.getResultSize(); Decimal pageSize = this.setCon.getPageSize(); Decimal pages = totalSize/pageSize; return (Integer)pages.round(System.RoundingMode.CEILING); } //First page of pagination public void doFirst() { setCon.first(); } //Last page of pagination public void doLast() { setCon.last(); } public Integer getpageSize() { return pageSize; } //Invoked when the user change page size on page, viajs doSeacrh() calling runSearch() public void setpageSize(Integer pageSize) { this.pageSize = integer.valueof(pageSize); } public class FieldToShow { public String field {get; set;} public String label {get; set;} public FieldToShow (String f, String l){ field = f; label = l; } } public class FilterInPage{ public String field {get; set;} public String paramId {get; set;} public String label {get; set;} public FilterInPage (String f, String p, String l){ field = f; paramId = p; label = l; } } } |
3.Create Visualforce page
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4.The above steps were for the infra components.
Now we can reuse it by create custom metadata record.
For example:
-Redirect to the page URL